Saturday, December 24, 2022

what is the origin of passion quotes?

passion quotes are inspirational words of wisdom or advice that help motivate and encourage us to pursue our dreams and develop our interests. The origin of such quotes is believed to date back to the ancient Greeks who valued the pursuit of individual passions. It wasn't until modern-day that people began creating and sharing quotes related to passion as a form of self-help and motivation.

The ancient Greeks are credited with the concept of finding, developing, and perfecting one's life passions. As concept known as "eudaimonia" developed, which involves living in a way for the greater good and embracing human excellence through dedicating oneself to one's passions. Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates all discussed about this concept as a win for both individuals and society if each person followed their own passions. This inspired others in other cultures to look at passion through a different lens of commitment, effort, and reaching success by following one's heart.

The idea of "follow your dreams" is now embraced throughout multiple cultures thanks to the influence of Hollywood movies, books containing wisdom on life advice, or clever but inspiring lines spoken by influential people such as Oprah Winfrey or Mahatma Gandhi. Passion quotes are seen sprinkled in conversations among friends encouraging each other to push forward during difficult times or celebrate achievements.

Passion quotes have taken a modern twist over the past few decades but their original meaning has stayed rooted in pursuing one's interests with dedication and hard work regardless of difficulty or failure. Those pursuing their own passions will often cite famous authors such as Walt Whitman whose quote "You are large; you contain multitudes" encourages embracing every aspect of your being including your talents & goals for fulfillment in life. Quotes from movie characters such as John Keating from Dead Poets Society have inspired generations with his call to arms: "Carpe diem seize the day boys make your lives extraordinary". Passionate quotes now cover various domains from sports, writing, business pursuits etc., all catering towards inspiring motivation within people regardless age or occupation.

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